
YMCA Registration Form

Participant Agreement

I am responsible for my own safety and agree to the following terms:

I agree to participate in the marathon and various events organized by the 2024 Seoul YMCA Marathon Committee.
I confirm that I am in good health, able to safely complete the marathon, have no medical issues, and have trained appropriately.
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to consult a doctor before participating in the event.
I will not hold the 2024 Seoul YMCA Marathon organizers liable for any incidents that may occur due to my health conditions during the event.
I understand that participating in the marathon can be a potentially dangerous activity and I accept the following risks:

Falling, colliding with other participants, or collisions with spectators and other people
Contact with vehicles or other forms of transport
Weather conditions such as heat, fine dust, humidity, wind, cold, and wet or slippery surfaces
Physical injury from the act of running itself
Falling branches or other objects from above
The crowded nature of the course and other situations not limited to the above, I acknowledge and accept the risk factors that may arise from participating in the event and will not hold the organizers responsible for injuries or accidents caused by these factors.
I agree that the organizers are not responsible for any injuries or accidents that occur during the event beyond the first aid (on-site treatment and transport to the hospital).

I agree to comply with the event regulations.

I will adhere to the 2024 Seoul YMCA Marathon event regulations (including the details below) and accept responsibility for any violations of these regulations.

I will not use an alias or a different name when registering and will not transfer my participation rights.
[Half Marathon] I will abide by the A, B, and C starting group assignments based on marathon records between July 22, 2021, and September 22, 2024. I will not raise objections if records are not provided due to violations.
[10km] I will abide by the A, B, and C starting group assignments based on marathon records between July 22, 2023, and September 22, 2024. I will not raise objections if records are not provided due to violations.
I understand that due to traffic congestion in downtown Seoul, traffic control will be lifted automatically after the time limit for each section. If I fail to finish within the time limit, I will board the collection vehicle as instructed by the staff. I will not hold the organizers responsible for any accidents caused by refusing to board. I will also not request official records if I finish after the time limit.
I have read and agree to the refund policy below:

Full refunds are available until 23:59 on September 22 (Sunday).
No refunds will be provided after this date.
I agree to disqualification and non-recognition of official event records.

I agree to be disqualified and to have my official event records not recognized under the following circumstances:

If I start earlier than my assigned starting group
If I do not wear a bib (chip) or if I damage the bib
If I participate on behalf of someone else
If I wear multiple timing chips
If I do not step on the timing mats at the start, finish, or intermediate checkpoints
If I cross the finish line after using the shuttle bus
If I receive help from others
If I finish after the time limit
If any other form of misconduct is deemed to have occurred
I agree to the waiver of liability and indemnity clause.

By participating in the event, I will not hold the organizers or related personnel (staff, organizers, volunteers, medical staff, etc.) responsible for any operational liabilities. I acknowledge that the organizers reserve the right to change any details of the event (date, start time, course, distance, etc.) and services provided for any reason.

I agree to the use and disclosure of promotional materials.

I grant the 2024 Seoul YMCA Marathon organizers the right to use or permit others to use my name, image, age, gender, residence, race results, or other personal information related to my participation in the event for promotional, operational, or other purposes without compensation.

Collection of Resident Registration Number for Insurance

I agree to the collection of my Resident Registration Number for insurance purposes. This number will be used only for insurance purposes.

Event Cancellation or Suspension (Non-Refundable Registration Fee)

In the event of a cancellation or suspension due to natural disasters, fine dust, weather conditions, natural catastrophes, or government regulations or recommendations, the registration fee will not be refunded.